Tips, and tricks to connect with your customers

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We often don’t think twice when accepting terms and conditions without even reading them - wanting only to get to the convenience that that app we’ve just downloaded can offer us. The same goes for privacy policies. In our fast-paced digital lives, most of us rush to click “accept” with a tinge of annoyance when a message pops up about cookies. Some of us are more patient, but that optimism is quickly drained when confronted with line upon pesky line of policy.

What are cookies anyway? In this case, they are sadly not the delicious baked confectionery I know we’re all thinking about. In terms of online privacy, cookies (specifically, HTTP cookies) are text files with small pieces of data that are used to identify you and your computer. Ultimately, cookies are used to enhance your browsing experience by knowing which information to serve specifically to you. There are pros and cons when it comes to allowing cookies. A pro; an easy and personalised browsing experience. A con, they are vulnerable to cybercriminals.

In GWI’s latest Connecting The Dots report, they speak about our relationship with online privacy as “digital citizens” and how that relationship has and still is evolving in an article called Data For Good. Good news: it’s not all negative. GWI covers the advantages that come with sharing your personal data along with key insights into how people feel about personal data sharing. Still, a relationship is maintained by two sides, and industries that work with consumers’ sensitive information should use it in a way that benefits both parties. Let’s take a look at how the world feels about this.

The World On Online Privacy

Ads are what make the virtual world go-'round but rising concerns around data privacy may just threaten them. In early 2020, Google announced its plan to block 3rd-party cookies (also known as trackers or tracking cookies - created by parties other than the website the user is visiting) from Chrome by 2022. This does not mean the end of tracking though, as it just forces companies like Facebook for example to work around it and instead use 1st-party cookies to do the job.

GWI report: Online Privacy Graph and Contact Tracing Apps

Interestingly, since the pandemic started there has been an overall decline in concern around data privacy. This could be because individuals are more concerned about how trackers can help the situation. Several apps have been developed that use tracking technology to assist in COVID-19 contact tracing through the use of your phone’s Bluetooth. Many countries have created national apps with this purpose; the South African version being the app called Covid Alert SA.

GWI Report: Online Privacy and Privacy Concerns

GWI calls this a “mindset shift” and notes that “declining privacy concerns are most evident in countries that suffered through the pandemic early on” - these being predominantly China and Europe. Sweden’s decline in concern about the internet eroding personal privacy is most notable at -12% since Q4 2019, followed by Switzerland at -9%. This could be due to these countries being “accustomed to stronger protection of their data.”

GWI Report: Online Privacy and Data Exchange

It seems that consumers deem it more “worth it” to share their data if there is a personal benefit to them - although this benefit has to be free to be worth it. According to GWI, “41% of global consumers prefer to exchange their personal data for free services rather than pay for those services to safeguard their data.”

The World Of Digital Citizens

Now that we’re online more often than not, online privacy has become more important than ever. As we become more informed, we get to know how to be better and better “digital citizens.” Whether the pandemic comes to an end or not, the issue of less online privacy will remain. Whether that should be deemed as an issue or something we can benefit from depends on how we move forward; the right steps involve mindful browsing for consumers and mindful use of digital add-ons such as cookies for businesses.

Interested in online privacy? Check out our episode of The Unfair Advantage Sessions, YOUKNOW’s Kelvin Jonk speaks to Brandwatch founder and CEO, Giles Palmer about his views on the topic.

GWI has recently released a localised, South African report containing insights for one of the top drivers of the world’s economy: Food Shoppers. Food Shoppers are defined by GWI as “Cooking enthusiasts who are the main food shopper in their household.”

No matter your industry, your audience is bound to include Food Shoppers; cooking is a passion point for many people, regardless of lifestyle. Especially since the start of COVID-19, 7 in 10 South Africans are now interested in cooking - which is a rather large portion of the population to put it lightly. With many maintaining the intention to further explore cooking as an interest once the pandemic is (finally) over, this audience is sure to be one to keep on your watch list.

Where Are South Africans Shopping?

GWI Report: Supermarket Engagement

The ultimate battle of the brands took place on the pages of this GWI report. Huge names such as Pick n Pay, Woolworths and Checkers went head to head to see who fared best in the world of grocery shopping. Unsurprisingly, Pick n Pay came out on top as the supermarket of choice.

Who Are South African Food Shoppers?

GWI Report: Food shoppers vs average cooking enthusiasts

“Food shoppers are more likely than average to be female, family-oriented and full-time workers” which makes them “time-poor consumers.” They’re price conscious and manage their money well since they have families to support. Efficiency and ease-of-use are therefore of paramount importance when it comes to their shopping experience.

What Media Do Food Shoppers Consume The Most?

GWI Report: Media channels and food shoppers

Food Shoppers have a heavy online presence, mainly on mobile and social media - which they are more likely to use for research purposes or engagement when wanting to find out more about a brand. They will adopt the tech that will make their day-to-day lives easier since they have so little time as is.

The Social Platforms That South African Food Shoppers Use The Most:

GWI Report: Top channels

With its in-depth reviews and tutorials, YouTube is the go-to platform for Food Shoppers. Facebook follows close behind by a mere 3%, emphasising that word-of-mouth (or in this case, posts) has a huge influence on the products Food Shoppers decide to purchase.

Interest in online shopping has skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic. Although online grocery shopping is still to see the same incline, there is still an “upwards trend” says GWI. Perhaps this will be dependent on whether more grocery stores adapt to the more convenient door-to-door delivery as an alternative to in-store pickup.

How Do South African Food Shoppers Discover Brands?

GWI Report: Awareness and impact

The top mode of discovery is emails and mailshots from brands, which is great since this is one of the more cost-effective marketing tools. Ensuring to create personalised mailers, include great imagery and an appropriate call to action could be the key to your marketing success. According to GWI, consumer review sites also play a significant role in brand discovery, which shows that Food Shoppers are heavily influenced by the opinions of others.

Your key takeaway order is on its way!

Overall, there has been a steady increase in appetite for online shopping. As we’re currently stuck at home and constantly on our devices, we’re exposed to more and more online brand media as opposed to traditional media and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

To learn more about this audience, take a look at GWI’s report: Exploring Food Shoppers in South Africa.

YOUKNOW Digital, the official reseller of technology solutions for leading brands and agencies in Africa announces collaboration with Mscsports to drive additional value in their business using the GWI platform and audience insights.

Survey data continues to play an increasingly important role in how agencies strategise for current clients and pitch for new business, it allows them to back ideas with data and helps them to stay at the forefront of their industry.

“At Mscsports we obsess about creating measurable impact for brands and rights holders by creating fame, growing & engaging audiences and ultimately generating revenue from their sponsorship investments. We call this Impact Marketing. The starting point for any of our Impact Marketing strategies is the collection and analysis of audience, category and brand data, which is used to arrive at unique and informed insights for our clients.

Our partnership with GWI provides us with access to reliable data and insights into attitudes, interests and perceptions of local and international audiences, relevant to any brand, competitor or segment within our industry and beyond. Where research and data collection could take weeks or months to complete, we now have instant access to an up-to-date global database within seconds. This allows us to spend more time on the creative elements of the strategic process, as well as adjust our strategies in real-time to continuously deliver maximum impact and performance.

As sponsorship budgets are increasingly placed under pressure, accessing audiences by understanding them, connecting with them and ultimately engaging authentically is the most direct route to delivering growth in performance, measurable ROI and impact. We are excited to have GWI on board as a partner to help us deliver this for all of our clients.” says Grant McEwan, head of strategic communication at MscSports.

GWI has provided leading audience insights to global agencies and brands. While their technology is leading with its data solutions, GWI maintains the agility, energy and spirit of a startup. GWI has introduced several innovations to the world of market research, from its ease-of-use, a lightning-fast platform to our globally consistent, but locally relevant data.

The Unified Core Survey is completed by over 800,000 respondents in over 46 markets globally by digitally active people, this gives you access to immediate insights to over 2 Billion connected consumers.

“We are very excited to be working with Mscsports. We love GWI and have worked closely with the Mscsports team to get to this point. We truly believe that they will benefit from the GWI insights and platform, by helping compete at the highest levels by providing their clients and strategy teams with this world-class insights platform” says Ryan Brunyee, GWI product lead at YOUKNOW.

YOUKNOW, whose clients include Standard Bank, MTN, Multichoice and Wesbank has been in the Marketing Technology industry since 2013 and is known for its support and local implementation of global marketing technologies such as Brandwatch, Khoros, Hootsuite, GWI & Audiense.

For more information about YOUKNOW Digital, visit our website at

About YOUKNOW Digital

YOUKNOW is dedicated to helping brands utilise the right technology to enhance their Media Strategy, Consumer Insights, and Social Customer Care. We offer the best global intelligence technology solutions for curious companies with local, African expertise. Our products include Brandwatch, Hootsuite, Khoros, GWI & Audiense.

About Idea Mscsports

At Mscsports we deliver on our brand promise of creating IMPACT by consistently following our results-driven process of research, strategy, implementation, and measurement. We believe in using the power of sport and entertainment sponsorships to deliver impact – and for more than 20 years we have consistently done so for sponsors, rights holders, and athletes through our brands, rights, and talent teams.

Media contact: Lebogang Kunene Marketing Manager, YOUKNOW Digital

To claim that 2020 was a tough year for marketers is an understatement of note, to say the least. This year was hallmarked by significant trials and tribulations, a flux of trends and new behaviours that made it difficult for anybody to pinpoint exactly what was going on.

On the flip side, this was also the year where the spirit of Ubuntu took global centre stage - as world leaders, organisations plus ordinary people came together and helped make the world a better place collectively. One thing is for sure, most people became ‘woke’ and started asking some really important questions. Therefore, if 2020 was the year of important questions, I will stick my neck out and claim that 2021 will be the year of ‘important answers’.

Digital Fanta and YOUKNOW

The socio-professional dynamics inspired us at Digital Fanta to also play our part and continue making the marketing world a better place with data. To further this agenda, we fine-combed the industry, in search of the right partner who could help our network access useful insights and shed light during these dark times.

Hence, we were overjoyed when our path serendipitously led us to YOUKNOW (an exciting company that is deeply entrenched in world-leading consumer insights platforms, such as GWI, Brandwatch and Audiense). Moreover, the tech capabilities of their research platforms are ideal for the insights needs of marketers wishing to leapfrog their competition in 2021.

Together, we are proud to announce our partnership and commitment to giving marketers the ‘unfair advantage’ by sharing useful consumer insights by global research experts that are relevant to our dynamic local markets. It is key for us at Digital Fanta to enhance our network of thousands of marketing professionals across the continent, and kit them up for the rebuild that awaits all in 2021 and beyond. To kickstart this exciting venture, we will be distributing weekly doses of data as part of our #DigitalFantaNowYouKnow series that is aimed at keeping our network in the know.

To make sure that you don’t miss out, please subscribe to our mailer and download your free copy of our debut GWI Insight: Exploring Food Shoppers in South Africa report.

For more info and a free consultation on how data can help your business breakthrough, please send an email to

Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. It usually kickstarts the festive-season-spending with consumers making large purchases and retailers making large profits in one day.

Things took a different turn this year with the pandemic. In-store sales took a hard knock as customers preferred staying home and shopping online rather than physically visiting the stores. Others could not participate due to economic reasons as retrenchments affected a lot of people this year.

The regular queuing outside brick-and-mortar stores from midnight to early morning hours was much less in 2020 compared to previous years. Even though retailers assured customers that they were going to follow all COVID-19 rules and regulations according to lockdown restrictions, shoppers still did not budge. This uncertainty led to lower in-store sales even though retailers had month-long Black Friday deals.

Looking at online conversations using Brandwatch Consumer Research, the volume of conversation was not as much this year compared to last year. In 2019, the conversation had more mentions than 2020 even though it only gained momentum on the day of the event and dropped dismally the day after, for both events.

Brandwatch Black Friday Social Listening

2020 has put a lot of things into perspective and forced retailers to stumble under pressure and publicly address issues that they had never put too much focus on. Retailers will have to take steps to bridge the gap between online and offline consumers by finding new ways of communicating with them in a way that will resonate with both of them to avoid future shortcomings.

The key takeaway from Black Friday 2020 is that South African customers were financially stretched this year due to the pandemic that led to a change in their spending behaviour. This led to the economic reality that hit home and forced consumers to think twice before spending their money.

Download the Black Friday 2020 Highlights Report Here

The success of any business lies in the ability to improve experience at every step of the customer journey. Measuring customer satisfaction helps brands to identify if they are aligned with the ongoing efforts of the organisation to continue delivering value to customers. This also provides valuable insights about the quality of their customer care.

Metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) , Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) are the most commonly used Customer Success Measures . Each has a calculation method that gives a numerical value that can be used as a benchmark and leading indicator when making improvements to customer service operations or when reconsidering your brand’s customer journey.

What’s The Difference Between NPS, CES, And CSAT?

CSAT, NPS, and CES scores are all used to quantify how happy the customer is with the service received. Each metric has its own use and limitations. Businesses can use these metrics jointly to identify where to improve their customer care, including interactions, productivity, and technology.


CSAT surveys are ideally sent when you want to see how happy customers are with an action your business took, or certain aspects of your products and/or services. CSAT survey scales range from poor to excellent, 1 – 5, or even angry face to happy face.

multi data-driven

The CSAT score is an average based on the results of the survey. Generally, expressed in a percentage from 0% to 100% NPS

Net promoter scores (NPS) is a growth indicator. It calculates how satisfied consumers are with your products/services and how loyal they are to your brand. To measure NPS, customers are asked how likely they are to recommend a company or product to a family member, friend, or colleague on a scale of 1 – 10.

Customers are scored into three categories, based on their responses:

Promoters — Customers who responded with a score of 9 or 10. These are your most loyal and enthusiastic customers. Passives — Customers who responded with a score of 7 or 8. These customers are satisfied with your business, but not as likely to recommend it as promoters. Detractors — Customers who responded with a score of 0-6. These customers are unsatisfied and may discourage friends and colleagues from engaging with your business.

To calculate NPS, you’ll need to calculate the percentage of respondents who are promoters and the percentage who are detractors. To get your final score, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. You will end up with a number between 0 and 100. The higher your number, the better your NPS score.


Customer effort scores (CES) measure how easy it is to engage and interact with your brand. While this doesn’t measure satisfaction directly, it can be an excellent indicator of customers’ experiences when they’re looking for information, making purchases, asking questions, or looking for support. To measure CES, customers are typically asked to rank their experience with a business from one (very easy) to five (very difficult).

CES surveys are most commonly used:

  • After a customer touchpoint that has led to a purchase
  • Immediately after a customer service interaction
  • To track the overall customer experience with your product or brand.

To calculate CES, divide the sum of all scores by the number of respondents. The lower the score, the better.

How To Improve NPS, CES, And CSAT Scores

We have established that it’s important to track these scores, but once you know what your brand’s customer satisfaction scores are, how can you improve them?

Here are four ways to get started.

1. Speed Up Customer Service Interactions

A recent Khoros survey revealed that around 50% of respondents said that they had interacted with brands on social media. From those customers who do interact with brands on social media, 65% expect brands to respond to their message and around 30% said they would stop giving a brand their business if the brand did not meet the customer’s time frame expectations for a response. Speeding up customer service interactions can help improve customer satisfaction and make customers willing to spend more.

The best way to achieve this is to modernize your contact center. More modern contact center's deflect calls to digital channels and automate repetitive and predictable tasks with chatbots, which streamlines workflows and resolves customer needs more quickly.

An online community is also a great resource for any enterprise looking to reduce customer resolution time. Instead of relying on a phone or chat agent to help with an issue, online communities give customers the resources they need to solve their own problems. Online communities can scale organically as a business grows, as they often rely on user-generated content (UGC) to resolve issues and answer questions. HP, for example, reduced first response time by 37% and resolution time by 41% with a Khoros-powered community.

2. Boost Customer Service Interactions

Sometimes a customer’s problem can’t be resolved with a single interaction. Should an interaction need to span sessions or transfer between agents or chatbots, make sure that the customer’s conversation transcript and interaction history transfers with it.

If agents aren’t able to refer back to conversation history and notes, customers have to repeat themselves. This causes frustration and ultimately lowers customer satisfaction. In Salesforce's State of the Connect Customer report, 68% of customers say that it is “absolutely critical” for customer service agents to know their service history so they don’t have to spend time explaining it to them.

3. Be Where Customers Need You

Be easily accessible. Offer people the ability to contact you through web chat, SMS, social, messaging, review sites, and peer-to-peer communities. This will allow customers to reach you on the digital channel of their choice, saving them time of seeking you out (and we already know that saving customers’ time is a good thing).

4. Increase The Number Of Customers Who Participate In Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys can give you a better understanding of how your customers feel, but if the total number of survey respondents isn’t large enough to represent your customer base as a whole, you might not be getting the most accurate data. The more consumers who participate in customer satisfaction surveys, the better your data will be.

You can improve your survey’s response rate through personalisation. According to research by Linkdex, 79% of customers expect brands to get to know them on a deeper level and provide tailored offers and experiences, including customer communication experiences. To personalise your survey notifications you can A/B test email subject lines and body content, include the customers name, send the survey in the customer’s preferred language, and more.

See how Khoros helped increase Midco’s CSAT survey completion rate by 460% in our case study.

AI-Powered Digital Customer Service, Made Better By Khoros Care

Modernise your contact center with Khoros Care. Let AI and automation streamline your workflows so you can listen, filter, categorise, and route incoming conversations to the best possible bot, human agent, or self-service resource to resolve the customer’s inquiry (which has been proven to boost customer satisfaction).

Want to learn more about our digital customer care solutions? Request a demo today.

South Africa entered a state of national disaster of the 15th of March 2020 and a week later a national lockdown was imposed.

This meant that South Africans day to day lives would forever be changed. The beginning of an era if we may. Schools were shut, store were closed and travel was banned. South Africans were limited to their homes and only allowed to go to the shops under strict restrictions and with a limited selection of products to purchase from.

The in store shopper experience and overall consumer experience as we knew it doesn't exist anymore. What does this mean for the South Africa consumer focused brands and businesses that rely on the face to face customer interactions to make sales? Essentially it puts your businesses online channel and digital readiness under the spotlight.

This period has seen data connection become the new oxygen. Using Brandwatch's new consumer insights platform we listened in on online conversations amongst South Africans.

The COVID-19 South African Insights report highlights what people have been missing the most during lockdown. In the report we take a look at what people have been missing the most as well as which activities people have been keeping themselves busy with. The data also looks at which fast food chains consumers are missing the most.

Fast food: Most Missed in SA Lockdown

What this data provides is insights into what your share of voice is a brand. Digging deeper into the data we can also determine what it is that consumers are missing from each brand. Through these insights we get to understand each brands strengths and weaknesses. Which menu items people enjoyed the most as well as which aspects of your brand people aren't missing.

As a brand or business looking to the future post lockdown it is essential to know where the gaps are within your entity and to include the correction thereof. The South African economy has taken a big knock and consumers will have an even less disposable income. Brands will have to really show up for their consumers.

Sometimes it feels that all we're talking about these days is data, analytics and insights. Even though we're in the industry, it does feel like it's a conversation that has spilled over into the zeitgeist. I believe there's another article required to express my personal views on where the surveillance economy is headed, but I'll leave that for another day.

With the pressure that marketers have these days to rightly base their decisions on actionable insights, we felt it valuable to have a discussion about that.

Data isn't "data". I guess, in a way, it is but I feel like there should be some more distinctions made. Not all types of data can answer all types of questions. For a marketer to make the best of what they have available, or for them to choose the correct technology, strategies and new hires - it's important start by taking a step back and realising that "throwing data at the problem" isn't really enough. It's not efficient. Many a million has been wasted on big data projects and technology and projects by trying to solve a broad data problem.

This is an opinion piece, so it's definitely not definitive, but when I think about data, or when a client speaks to me about their data needs, I like to match it against some of the questions below. The answers to these questions all tend to lead to different strategies and solutions, with varying costs, resources and implementation timeframes.

Questions to ask: 1. Firstly, do I know what my question is? 2. Do the answers to my questions need to be "in-the-moment" and dynamic? 3. Am I interested in user behaviour, consumer preferences or opinion? 4. Could there be a major difference in data originating from different personas? 5. Is this data meant for internal strategic decisions, or for targeting and marketing purposes?

Below are my thoughts on classifying the types of data mentioned in question 3.

User Behaviour

Behaviour is an analytics discussion. In the social media analytics world it's often referred to as "volumetric's", specifically relating to things like engagement, fan page growth and virility.

In other spheres it could relate to understanding:

  • Website traffic
  • Journey mapping and journey orchestration
  • Conversion and click-through-rates
  • General SEO metrics, like time-on-page, bounce rates and the like

The point about utilising User Behaviour is that it's not about the individual. Tracking an individual's movements and behaviours in a way that identifies them is actually not ethically acceptable anymore. So it's all about the collective, and it's definitely about the trends.

Consumer Preferences

Consumer preferences can be two-fold:

  1. A user deliberately chooses a preference on a platform, or channel, which alters their user experience. This could be something as simple as whether they want to receive your communication with them via text message or email, or which customer service channel they prefer to use with an organisation.
  2. A group of consumers have, and hopefully state, a preference to interact with - and associate themselves with - a type of organisation that appeals to their preferences. In this case think about large swathes of consumers moving towards eco-conscious travel options, or electric cars, or vegetarian diets. These are the kinds of consumer preferences that one can easily track and monitor over time.


Opinions tend to be the fuzzier of the 3 types of data listed in this article. It's the qualitative option. But it's still quantifiable, if you utilise the right kinds of tools and methodologies to understand them.

Opinions can change in a single news cycle. While preferences tend to be a little more long-term, opinions can be swayed almost instantaneously. We're in a highly emotive time in our history, and the ability to share and amplify opinions in a second has led - not only - to polarisation in politics, but also the ability for opinions of your brand to swing in a day.

The most recent example that comes to mind is that of Clicks.

At the beginning of September 2020 they're listed as the "Most Loved" brand by Kantar's Brandz Top 30 report, and a few days later they're the most hated brand on the internet with the Economic Freedom Front allegedly burning down stores in reaction to a social media backlash, involving TRESemmé.

Kantar Most Loed Brands


Opinion can be mostly measured in 2 ways these days:

  1. Analysing public discourse on social media, forums, television debates and radio talk shows.
  2. Targeted surveys asking pointed questions

*Understanding opinions on a topic that is vital to your business is a day-to-day affair. Receiving a brand health report at the end of the week is too late. Set up the correct kinds of alerts and ensure that the right people are mandated to keep abreast of this to ensure your company can roll with the punches.

Now For My Opinion

Once you've asked the right kinds of questions, and worked out the best way to get the answers - create a culture of leveraging those answers. Does your Exco sit on a daily/weekly basis to make strategic decisions based off of the data available? Do the reports that get build and paid for actually get read and digested? It's rare, but a directive from the top, and a habit of interrogating the data is vital to any organisation's agility these days. Go out and prosper. Hope this helps.

*I say this often, but crisis monitoring should NOT BE OUTSOURCED. You should definitely have the best PR agency on hand to handle it, but don't take your eye off the game and hope that someone else will let you know when to pay attention.

Pretoria, South Africa, 3 December 2020 - YOUKNOW Digital today announced its collaboration with Idea Hive, an agency that creates and executes pioneering Brand Storytelling Solutions. The two companies, brought together by Brandwatch, the world’s leading social intelligence company, will work together to deliver powerful AI-driven insights across every part of Idea Hive’s business.

“Data is the foundation of every digital transformation, that’s why we’ve never been more committed to delivering powerful analytics to all our clients. We are thrilled to work with such a forward-thinking company, and we are confident that will exceed their expectations,” said Kelvin Jonck, MD at YOUKNOW.

Idea Hive is an agency that creates and executes pioneering Brand Storytelling Solutions to illuminate brand power. It applies a strategic framework that extracts and aligns all the key components of any brand story.

"We've been telling brand's stories successfully for years. Idea Hive believes that digital and/or social media analytics and insights are key to assisting brands to make more informed decisions on what they should be doing to best add value to their clients. An in-depth analysis will tell it is going to rain, but it won’t carry the umbrella for you, hence, we are extremely excited to partner with Brandwatch to ensure that in the future, we deduce data to gain rich actionable insights, which will ultimately benefit our core business of brand storytelling to achieve enhanced outcomes for our clients," said Yaw Dwomoh, CEO at Idea Hive.

Brandwatch is the only social-listening platform with the most data and the smartest artificial intelligence. It gives marketers access to deep-listening capabilities across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and online news, backed by robust artificial intelligence and real-time alerts.

“With Brandwatch being the world’s leading social intelligence company that builds intelligent software solutions, we will be able to accelerate our mission and help Idea Hive and Africa as a whole more than ever see and understand data,” Tsebanang Tsimba, Head of Customer Success at YOUKNOW.

YOUKNOW, whose clients include NCBA, the Kenyan Tourism Board, MTN, Multichoice and Standard Bank has been in the Marketing Technology industry since 2013 and is known for its support and local implementation of global marketing technologies such as Brandwatch, Khoros (formerly known as Lithium & Spredfast), Hootsuite, GlobalWebIndex & Audiense.

About YOUKNOW Digital YOUKNOW is dedicated to helping brands utilise the right technology to enhance its Media Strategy, Consumer Insights, and Social Customer Care. We offer the best global intelligence technology solutions for curious companies with local, African expertise. Brandwatch, Khoros, Hootsuite, GlobalWebIndex & Audiense.

About Idea Hive At Idea Hive we create and execute pioneering Brand Storytelling Solutions to illuminate your brand’s power. We apply a strategic framework that extracts and aligns all the key components of your brand’s story. We craft and execute heartfelt and character-driven Brand Storytelling campaigns that position brands and organisations to achieve their full market potential.

Black Friday is chaotic with stores jam-packed with customers putting their hands on the best deals. This has taken a turn-around this year, because of the “coronavirus”. The pandemic has changed the rules of shopping. This has forced businesses to adapt to the current times by participating in Black Friday while following lockdown regulations. How do they operate within regulations? Someone might say online shopping, but this can’t be the only option, especially in South Africa.

Online shopping is convenient, in that your package can be delivered at your doorstep or you can schedule your items for collection to avoid long queues, but if we are being realistic the cons outweigh the pros. The cons being security, quality, waiting time, return policies, added delivery fees, and scams. Those are some of the things that give customers anxiety.

Now, with a lot of feelings around Black Friday, we’ve gathered data using Brandwatch Consumer Research to uncover useful insights about Black Friday in the middle of a pandemic as businesses try to meet customers halfway.

Sentiment While analysing the conversation leading up to the 27 November, we noticed that the majority of the sentiment was positive. 80% of the posts were positive especially in discussions around savings and deals, while only 20% of it was negative with customers expressing their fear of scams and catching the virus. While there are negative things expressed about the day, we still see the excitement building across social media in the lead up to the shopping bonanza.

The most positive keywords used were Black Friday as the lead keyword of the conversation, The flame emoji as an expression of “hot deals”, WhatsApp as small businesses advertise their products, Unbeatable in reference to the prices, and Card as customers are warned about giving their details on the web when shopping during this time.

word-cloud Black Friday

By looking at this data, businesses and brands have to build trust and confidence by communicating how they’ll make stores safer while providing an excellent customer experience at the same time.

Gender Breakdown Now, despite the stereotype about women and shopping, data is proving this to be a myth as we see that more males are engaging in the Black Friday conversation than females. They are hoping to find a great deal on the PS5, which comes as no surprises. Retailers know that this demographic is browsing their sites for discounted prices on devices and cool gadgets.

They’ve heard what their customers want and now they are preparing some exciting, budget-friendly deals. We see this data through social platforms like Twitter as retailers are working tirelessly to ensure their campaigns are engaged.

Customers data to deals on Black Friday

A whole month has been given to South Africans to do more than a few days of Black Friday shopping (online and in-store shopping). Therefore consumers must be careful when it comes to month-long 'shoppertunities' and should be extra vigilant when making a purchase, especially online.

While online shopping isn’t the only way to shop around during a pandemic, brands have figured it would be easier to start their sales earlier in the month to avoid stampede on Black Friday. Black Friday presents a major opportunity for retailers to improve processes that can sustain them beyond the holiday shopping season and other companies are offering innovative shopping promotions such as shopping online and collecting in-store to avoid queues and paying for shipping fees.

While 2020 has been a year and a half for both customers and businesses, it left many wondering if Black Friday is canceled. Thankfully, the answer is not, because we see businesses and brands announcing sales and deals daily as the date gets closer. This annual shopping event is going to be different as we are in the middle of a pandemic and social distancing is still a thing.

Johannesburg, 18 November - GlobalWebIndex (GWI), the leading target audience company, and Digital Optimisation, New Generation Awards 2020 “Small Agency of the Year", today announce their strategic partnership to drive performance and growth.

Through its flagship study representing 2.6 billion consumers globally, GWI provides consumer insights across 46 markets to the most renowned brands, agencies and media organisations. Digital Optimisation becomes one of the first African independent agencies to be GWI-certified and joins some of the world’s most iconic agencies and brands that have access to its market-leading research and solutions.

Dani Morley, CEO of Digital Optimisation, says the partnership with GWI forms an integral part of Digital Optimisation’s broader business strategy. “As a company, we are obsessed with our client’s performance and growth. To drive this performance, we need to have access to trusted data to make informed audience profiling decisions. GWI enables this. The insights gleaned from GWI data allows us to shape our strategic thinking and delivery on e-commerce, lead generation, digital media and social strategies.”

“At Digital Optimisation, our approach is to combine our local, entrepreneurial, agile Indie DNA with the power of globally-recognised, world-leading, heavy-weight partners, such as GWI.”

“We’re delighted to be partnering with Digital Optimisation at such a crucial period in time”, says Sebastian Hedencrona, Chief Growth Officer at GWI. “As budgets tighten and the pressure on agencies to deliver fast results mounts, it’s never been more important to understand your audiences and how exactly they’re changing – and this is an agency that knows the value in being informed. Since the coronavirus outbreak, consumer behaviours and mindsets have been changing at rates we’ve never seen. Our aim, as always, is to bring that much-needed insight to every agency, big or small, to help them succeed. Our partners play a key role in helping us achieve that – on a global, local, and regional level.”

“We love GlobalWebIndex, and we love Digital Optimisation. It’s a match made in heaven, and we’re excited to help DO compete at the highest levels by providing their customers with up-to-date, useful and relevant consumer insights. YOUKNOW’s goal is to connect local, African organisations with the best global technology companies, ensuring that they do so with local expertise and experience,” says Kelvin Jonck, MD at YOUKNOW.

Morley continues: “Our partnership with GWI gives us the benefit and insight into rich, customised research to identify key consumer trends and opportunities. Not only does GWI provide us with customer journey mapping and targeting validation capabilities, but we are able to tap into a representation of over 2 billion people, in over 40 countries with over 40,000 profiling attributes, making us truly, locally and internationally capable and relevant.

Access to GWI provides us with the ability to find and validate our client’s ideal target segments, with locally relevant insight into attitudes, interests and perceptions in a way that we have not been able to achieve previously. We can then map the behaviours of these segments to identify the touch-points and media moments that matter. Quality customer profiling, quality conversion and quality lead strategies have to start here. Developing a nurturing CRM strategy is only valuable if our customers are the right profile from the beginning and this enables us to deliver loyalty, profit and an advantage over other brands.”

Morley believes that as marketing budgets are tightened, and Chief Marketing Officers are under the baton to produce results, there will be an increasing demand for paid media agencies and performance marketing agencies to deliver high-value ROI and bottom-line impact. She believes that the GWI partnership with Digital Optimization is a critical element in its ability to deliver on high performance and growth for its clients.

About GWI

GlobalWebIndex (GWI) is a target audience company that provides consumer insight across 46 countries to the world’s leading brands, communication agencies and media organisations.

The company runs a global survey representing more than 2 billion connected consumers, which offers up over 40,000 data points on the behaviours and perceptions of internet users around the world. Using the subscription-based platform, clients including Twitter, Google, Spotify, WPP, IPG and Omnicom Group can gather in-depth insights into audience behaviours, attitudes and interests through a combination of survey data and analytics.


YOUKNOW started in 2013 with the understanding that there was a disconnect between local industry professionals and the technology vendors they wanted to work with. Geographically, industry, cultural and language differences meant that getting to excellent took a lot more work on both sides than needed. We were then fortunate enough to get the buy-in from some of the most innovative technology companies in the world to allow us to represent them locally: becoming their experts on the ground, so that we could sit right in front of our local, African peers and help them succeed by seeing the value, and realising the potential that the solutions provided.

YOUKNOW is the authorised distributor and local support partner for GlobalWebIndex.

You can also follow us on Linkedin and also subscribe to our Youtube channel.

It’s coming to that time of the year when we all start daydreaming about 2020 holidays to destinations near and far.

The internet allows consumers to research their holidays in more depth than ever before, opening up travel booking sites to closer scrutiny. Online reputation can be a powerful influence on travel agent take up – both bad and good.

YOUKNOW, using Brandwatch Consumer Research, analysed the South African conversation around nine of the top travel sites in the country over the past year to find out which were faring the best online.

These are: Travelstart, Travelcheck, LekkeSlaap, Cheapflights, Thompsons, Flightsite, Pentravel, STA Travel and Flight Centre.

Of the travel sites we looked at, Flight Centre was mentioned by far the most in the past year, accounting for a 44% share of the conversation. Flight Centre was followed by Travelstart (26%), Lekkeslaap (14%) and STA Travel (8%). Thompsons, Flightsite and Travelcheck accounted for the least share of voice accounting for only 3% of conversation combined.

Travel Sites: Most talked about

The conversation about travel sites increased during the Christmas holidays, peaking between the 25th and 29th of December due to discussion about Flight Centre’s competition to win a trip to Mauritius in collaboration with Glamour SA.

Travel Sites: Flight Center Competition

Brands with the highest percentage of positive conversation were Pentravel (36%), Travelstart (29%) and Thompsons (27%).

Travel Sites: Best Positive Sentiment

The conversation around Pentravel praised its customer service, especially their expert advice.

Travel Sites: Word Cloud

The brand with the highest percentage of negative conversation was FlightSite. Much of the negativity surrounding FlightSite regarded the inability to get in touch with customer service. So that’s a snapshot of the online South African travel companies.

*This data was analysed using Brandwatch Consumer Research, with the most volume of conversation coming from Twitter, for the period of January 2019 - January 2020.

SA's Social Pulse Report Webinar! Join us in our upcoming webinar, where our team will share the top trends to fuel your marketing strategy—featuring speakers Shaun Pearson our Brandwatch Product Lead, and David Vahle - our Senior Reporting Expert.

🗓️ Date: 28th of July

⏰ Time: 10:00 AM

🌐 Location: Online (LinkedIn Live)

What to expect:

📈 Top trends on consumer behaviour on social media in South Africa

🇿🇦 The strongest brands in South Africa right now

🤖 AI in marketing

Our fellow South Africans and digital participants, we are pleased to introduce "The Social SONA: State of the Nation Address," a webinar of significance and insight. Guided by our YOUKNOW comrades Shaun Pearson and David Vahle, experts in the realm of Brandwatch, this event will dive into conversations across our social nation. Join us as we explore the impact of Barbie on marketing discourse and the emergence of threadfluencers, chat through the influential role of X, and provide strategies to align your brand with the upcoming Rugby World Cup.

Simply fill in your details to book your seat and get your questions ready ahead of the interactive webinar. This is an opportunity to enhance your understanding of the social landscape in South Africa and ask our experts any questions you have about our global tech partner, Brandwatch.

⏰ Time: 10:00 - 10:45

📍 Location: Google Meets (shared upon registering)

🗓️ Date: Wednesday, the 20th of September

Who is YOUKNOW Technologies?

We connect the right tech to businesses to build better connections with their customers. Our global tech stack is the top in the field of helping your business understand and connect with your customers. From social listening & customer experience technology to building your modern growth stack, our local support and expertise allow local enterprises to leverage leading global technologies for better customer engagement, insights, retention and growth.

Why work with us?

💸 Easier Payment Across Continents

🌍 Access to Best in Breed Global Technology

💻 Local Tech Support

🫶 BEE Rated

🇿🇦 South African Tech Consultants

🕐 No Time Zone Limitations

The heartbeat of a nation lies in its conversations, and the threads of dialogue are what weave our social fabric. Introducing "The South Africa Social SONA" snapshot, unlock conversations that shape our nation:

💁‍♀️ Barbie

Who’s mentioning Barbie?

How did people react?

Barbenheimer, who won?


Are people talking about Threads?

How long did it take to reach 10 Million?

What is the fate of Threads?

🐦 X (Twitter)

The timeline of Twitter (x)

Is X going anywhere?

🏉 Rugby World Cup

Who is mentioning the RWC?

Who is leveraging the RWC?

The South Africa Social SONA Snapshot offers you an in-depth exploration of these captivating topics that have left their mark on our nation's social discourse. Join us on this journey as we unravel the threads that connect us all, examine the pulse of our social media landscape, and peek into the future of our digital interactions.

Download your copy now and gain exclusive insights into South Africa's vibrant social tapestry. Be a part of the conversation that shapes our nation!

Who is YOUKNOW Technologies?

We connect the right tech to businesses to build better connections with their customers. Our global tech stack is the top in the field of helping your business understand and connect with your customers. From social listening & customer experience technology to building your modern growth stack, our local support and expertise allow local enterprises to leverage leading global technologies for better customer engagement, insights, retention and growth.

Why work with us?‍

💸 Easier Payment Across Continents

🌍 Access to Best in Breed Global Technology

💻 Local Tech Support

🫶 BEE Rated

🇿🇦 South African Tech Consultants

🕐 No Time Zone Limitations

Introducing your 2023 Black Friday Snapshot. The perfect insights booster for your 2023 wrap-up, turning your data into actionable insights for your 2024 strategies. We dive into the top 6 takeaways of Black Friday 2023 as a data-driven guide to Black Friday 2024.

What's Inside:

🛍️ Is Black Friday still a big topic of conversation for consumers?

📣 Who were the biggest voices this Black Friday

🛒 What is Black Friday's new pivot?

👀 Which brands had the biggest visibility? 

📈 How to drive engagement

This snapshot just scratches the surface of what our experts can do. Want to learn more about Brandwatch or explore custom reporting? Chat to our experts and let’s connect the dots for you.

🔗 Chat with an expert

Introducing Mixpanel's 2024 Benchmarks Report - Journey Through the Metrics 🔭

The Mixpanel team created this latest edition of the Mixpanel Benchmarks Report to be your navigation system in a universe of metrics. In it, they analyse two years of rollercoastering digital product metrics. By showing performance trends across key industries, these benchmarks will not only help you understand where your business stands in the competitive landscape but also provide a roadmap for improvement.

What's Inside:

🪐 A comparison of how products perform in four strategic areas:acquisition, engagement, retention, and marketing performance

🪐 A breakdown of product benchmarks, combined with industry-specific insights for Financial Services, Media & Entertainment, Ecommerce, Technology, Healthcare, and Gaming

🪐 An analysis of product performance across platforms, highlighting how mobile drives growth

🪐 Perspectives from industry leaders on market challenges, trends, and winning strategies

Want to learn more about product analytics or explore the world of Mixpanel? Chat to our experts and let’s connect the dots for you.

🔗 Chat with an expert

📊🚀 Elevate your Instagram game with our 2024 Benchmark Report on Stories! 🌟 Here's what you'll discover:

📈 Increased Story frequency: Brands are ramping up their storytelling efforts.

🎯 Growing reach rates: Connect with more of your audience than ever before.

💡 Steady retention rates: Keep your viewers engaged from start to finish.

📸 Posts vs. Stories: Understand the dynamics for better engagement strategies.

🗓️ Perfect posting frequency: Find the sweet spot for your brand's Stories.

🖼️ Frame frequency insights: Shorter Stories are dominating the platform.

💬 Boost interaction: Learn how to prompt more replies and engagement.

🔍 Analyze exit rates: Understand when and why viewers drop off.

📱 Uncover engagement trends: Discover what types of content resonate most.

Unlock the full potential of your Instagram presence with Rival IQ's comprehensive insights! 🌟 Download now for actionable strategies to level up your social media game. 📲💬 #InstagramStories #SocialMediaMarketing

Introducing Rival IQ's latest annual Social Media Industry Benchmark Report, now turbocharged. They've surveyed thousands of top brands and companies to uncover the secrets of social success. This comprehensive report covers essential metrics from 2023 across 14 key industries:

🍻 Alcohol

👗 Fashion

💵 Financial Services

🍔 Food & Beverage

💄 Health & Beauty

👩🏾🎓 Higher Education

🛋️ Home Decor

🤳 Influencers

📱 Media

🎧 Tech & Software

💕 Nonprofits

✈️ Travel

🛍️ Retail

⚽️ Sports Teams

It's all you need to gauge your social media performance against competitors on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. Gain valuable insights into evolving engagement trends and optimize your strategy for 2024.

🇿🇦 Unbox South African Black Friday Insights this October! 📈🛒

Calling all retailers or marketers looking to dominate in this year's Black Friday scene. Look no further! Join us for an exclusive webinar where we delve deep into the hottest trends, strategies, and insights you need to succeed this Black Friday. Stay tuned for more details next week!

🗓️ Wednesday, 18th October

🕙 10:00

📍Google Meets (Live Link)

Who is YOUKNOW Technologies?

We connect the right tech to businesses to build better connections with their customers. Our global tech stack is the top in the field of helping your business understand and connect with your customers. From social listening & customer experience technology to building your modern growth stack, our local support and expertise allow local enterprises to leverage leading global technologies for better customer engagement, insights, retention and growth.

Why work with us?

💸 Easier Payment Across Continents

🌍 Access to Best in Breed Global Technology

💻 Local Tech Support

🫶 BEE Rated

🇿🇦 South African Tech Consultants

🕐 No Time Zone Limitations

Join the YOUKNOW Technologies Newsletter

Hey there, savvy marketer! Want to stay ahead in the Martech game? YOUKNOW has got you covered. Our newsletter is your golden ticket to the latest tech insights, industry buzz, and exclusive events. Here’s why you’ll love it:

  • Product Updates: Get first dibs on our innovative solutions.
  • Industry Intel: Stay in the loop with the hottest news.
  • Exclusive Events: Network with the best and snag some cool swag.
  • Witty Reads: Say goodbye to boring emails and hello to a fab inbox.

Pop in your email below, it subscribe, and join the YOUKNOW crew. Because YOUKNOW where the best martech news is at!

Subscribe now and stay ahead with YOUKNOW Technologies

Data Draughts is Back—and It's Better Than Ever!

Are you eager to join a community of product managers, growth marketers, and industry pros in your city? Well, you're in luck! Your favorite event for connecting with peers has new dates, and you’re on the guest list! Picture rooftop views, cold brews, and great banter—what more could you want?

Fill out our sign-up form to stay updated on all our future Data Draught events, or RSVP to our upcoming edition below:

Cape Town: Thursday, 12 September | 16:30 - 21:30 👉 RSVP Here
Johannesburg: Thursday, 3 October | 16:30 - 21:30 👉 RSVP Here

What’s Data Draughts?
Think of it as the happy hour where connections pour as smoothly as your favourite brew. Our next session is all about bringing together like-minded professionals to mingle, share, and spark brilliant ideas—all in a relaxed setting.

What’s New?
With Amplitude on board, we’re cranking things up a notch. Expect deeper dives, sharper insights, and conversations that will make you think.

Why Join Us?
🍻 Sip on Insight: Engage in lively discussions with fellow pros who are just as passionate about data and growth as you are.
🍺 Raise a Glass to Real Talk: Share your stories, swap challenges, and celebrate wins—no fluff, just the good stuff.
🍷 Toast to New Connections: Build meaningful relationships in a welcoming atmosphere where ideas flow as freely as the drinks.

Who Should Attend?
If you’re a product manager, growth marketer, or anyone obsessed with data-driven success, this event is for you! And don’t come alone—the more, the merrier! Share the link with your friends and colleagues so they can join the fun too.

We’re YOUKNOW Technologies, your local martech experts. We’re all about bringing the best tools and insights to our clients, and Amplitude is one of the gems in our lineup. We’re passionate about helping businesses in South Africa harness the power of data to drive growth.

And the foam on top? Drinks are on us!

Join the Go Everywhere Club’s #JoinJogtober Challenge! 🌍💻🏃♀️🏃♂️

This October, we are hosting a Jogtober on our Go Everywhere Club - A Strava Group full of our fellow data lovers, industry pals and people who like to crunch numbers by day and smash PBs by the afternoon.

So how do you win?

It's all about logging the most activities on our Strava Group! Whether you’re a casual cyclist, pro runner, or padel fanatic, your activity counts — By the 31st of October, the person with the most activity wins an R2000 voucher! 🏆

Cool, how do I enter?
  1. Fill out your details to get the Strava Club link
  2. Join our Club
  3. Log your activities
  4. Stay active and aim for the top spot on the leaderboard

Lace-up, sign up, and get moving!🏅

Boost Your 2025 Marketing Strategies with the 2024 South African Stats Report

Do you truly understand your South African audience? In our latest 2024 South African Stats Report (powered by GWI’s Core data), we go beyond surface-level insights to reveal the unique habits, behaviours, and trends shaping South African consumers today. This Consumer Behaviour Report uncovers the motivations behind their purchasing decisions, from essential buying triggers to broader trends that will shape the future.

With this in-depth South African Report, you’ll be equipped to tailor your marketing strategies and engage with your audience effectively.

Inside the 2024 South African Stats Report, You’ll Discover:

  • The key drivers behind South African purchasing decisions
  • Emerging consumer behaviour trends specific to the South African market
  • Insights into the lifestyle preferences of local consumers
  • Tech user behaviour for your potential audience to enhance your marketing approach in South Africa
  • South African social media and media consuming habits

Why GWI for the 2024 South African Stats Report?

This isn’t guesswork. We’ve harnessed GWI’s globally trusted data to provide you with accurate, real-time insights relevant to South Africa. This up to date Consumer Behaviour Report offers a data-driven view into our local market, helping you make informed decisions.

Why Download This South African Report?

If you're looking to refine your marketing strategy, launch smarter products, or impress stakeholders, this free 2024 South African Stats Report is your essential guide to consumer success in South Africa.

Fill in our form to get your hands on our 2024 South African Stats Snapshot.

Get the stats that could change your strat!



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