April 15, 2024

Audience profiling with Audiense: Creating segments for hyper-targeted marketing

Imagine planning a birthday party for everyone in your town – a logistical nightmare! It would be impossible to cater to everyone's tastes and interests. Marketing used to be similar, relying on broad messages aimed at a generic audience. But just like planning a targeted party, technology has revolutionised marketing.

Gone are the days of clunky methods like focus groups and surveys. Today, we can leverage powerful digital tools like Audiense to understand your ideal audience in much deeper ways. You just have to start the conversation

Audiense uses advanced social listening and data analysis to uncover hidden insights about your target market. This allows you to create detailed profiles that go beyond demographics, revealing their online behaviour, interests, and even the conversations they're having. 

This level of granularity empowers you to craft personalised messages that resonate on a deeper level, leading to higher engagement, conversions, and ultimately, a much more successful marketing campaign.

We are bringing consumer research into the digital era

Traditionally, audience research involved surveys, focus groups and other time-consuming methods. Audiense revolutionises this process by leveraging big data and social listening.

Exploring Audiense's audience intelligence

Audiense offers a comprehensive suite of audience intelligence products to cater to your specific needs. 

Digital intelligence

Uncover valuable insights into your target audience's overall digital activity and interactions across various platforms. This helps you identify where your audience spends its time online and the type of content they engage with.

Social intelligence

Go beyond demographics and delve into the "why" behind your audience's behaviour. Social intelligence tools from Audiense analyse social media activity to reveal real-world affinities and interests.

Demand intelligence 

Understand your audience's demand for talent, brands and intellectual properties (IPs). This cutting-edge tool leverages social and digital signals to provide a comprehensive view of your audience's preferences.

Building audience segments with Audiense Insights

Audiense Insights empowers you to create highly granular audience segments based on a rich set of criteria. Here's how:

  1. Define your target audience: Start by outlining your ideal customer profile. Consider demographics, interests, online behaviour and any other relevant characteristics.
  2. Leverage Audiense's data: Explore Audiense's vast database of social media profiles and online activity to identify individuals who match your target audience criteria.
  3. Segment and refine: Audiense allows you to segment your audience based on various filters, such as demographics, interests, keywords and social media behaviour. You can further refine these segments to create hyper-targeted groups.

Benefits of hyper-targeted marketing with Audiense

By creating audience segments with Audiense, you unlock a multitude of benefits.

  • Increased engagement: Tailored messages resonate better with your audience, leading to higher engagement rates and click-throughs.
  • Improved conversion rates: When your messaging is laser-focused on specific needs and interests, conversions are more likely to occur.
  • Enhanced brand relevance: Hyper-targeted campaigns demonstrate a deeper understanding of your audience, fostering brand loyalty and trust.
  • Optimised ad spend: Target the right audience at the right time, eliminating wasted ad spend on irrelevant demographics.

Don't settle for generic marketing. With Audiense, you can create hyper-targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience, driving engagement, conversions and, ultimately, success.